Fred Chasey with hull #14 has asked me about the lift system that I use to lift my Rocket. The following photos show the method of my madness. The left photo shows the lifting points at the top of the keel (orange) and hull (yellow) straps.
This photo shows the stabilizing blue line P & S to the jib cams.
Jonathan, your trunk is quite a bit diff. from mine on #14. I'm trying to hoist the boat w/ keel in a down position (I realize ur pix is just demo), but I don't see how the keel fully lowers w/ hull strap in place. How did you determine the strenght of epoxy and plate to carry full weight. We're looking at doing straps (4) on the outside of trunk (2 fore & 2 aft of keel ring) to enable 2 - 1/2" bolts across top of keel. Thus allowing the entire boat to be lifted w/ keel ring. Knowing how to Anchor the plates to side of trunk is our hang up. I hope Ivan gets a chance to see this. Thanks for help !!
Fred, The keel lowers once the boat reaches the water and pressure on the the hull strap lightens. The pressure on the lifting bolt and side plates are principly taken up by the top edge of the SS plate to the UHMW rim of the keel trunk. The epoxy is just to hold the plates in postion. The weight of the boat is split between lifting the hull (yellow strap) and the keel (orange strap).
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